Gemini Kneeboards

What works & what doesn't and in what type of conditions. Got a "secret" only you and your shaper know???? Post it here... we can keep it quiet ;-)

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W.G. Facenda
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Post by W.G. Facenda »

Shshsh!! Don't have anymore of this kinda talk around a certain sphincter! Stay on the program !! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by kidrock »

eqKneelo wrote:For those of you who still don't get it, here it is:


Do you understand?

NO ONE is saying you can't have some stand-up shape you a board... NO ONE is saying you can't think it's epic... NO ONE is saying ya'll can't have a picnic and celebrate all the wacky-cool kneeboards you created.
Knock yourselves out.

BUT... if you come into this site and ask for opinions about these boards, you will get the same answers ("waste of time... waste of money... won't be the board you want... support those that support the sport...ect") because that's what most of the people who created this site believe.

And if you say inane things like:
And, I think that guys like "Jon or Bruce or David or Neil or Eric or Bud" would be the first to lay down their planers and pay homage to this fact that stand-ups shape great kneelos.
... you just prove the fact you have NO IDEA what you are talking about and have never had a real conversation with any of those guys.
(or they would have had they all not fled this site years ago... remember when guys like Bud and Bruce were regular contributers to the forums?
So sad.)
The fact is, our shapers have spent their entire lives... millions of hours... making sure NO ONE could give you a better board. They are PROUD of that fact!
To say 'anyone with a planer" can make a kneeboard is not only stupid, but it's insulting to the guys we revere... especially when it comes from a bunch of guys who can barely surf.
EQ, you just don't get it, do you?

SFKneelo nailed everything directly on the head in an eloquent manner, and managed to get the thread back on topic.

Then, you go into another Type-A personality roid rage and make the most damning and insulting statements. Someone needs to teach you some etiquette and manners, little boy.

First of all, you continue to say this thread is "offensive to our shapers". Really? Which shapers? Why haven't they spoke of their offense? And did they personally appoint YOU as their spokesperson to voice their outrage? And what exactly ARE your credentials?

You are a kneeboarder like the rest of better, no worse than the guys from Alaska, Indonesia, Pacific Northwest, or even the Texas Gulf!!! Yet, every time you get on the keyboard you take some shot against someone who has the audacity to have a different thought or ride a different board than you. I always thought that kneeboarders were above such mundane thinking...such thinking is the common realm of standup surfers. Think about it!!!

You are infamous for taking people's words and twisting them. What do I mean? Take a look at my earlier post when I stated that I thought that shapers like "Jon or Bruce or David or Neil or Eric or Bud would be the first to lay down their planers in homage to this fact" that both Pavel and Lis are world-class shapers, whether they are shaping a KB or a standup. Then, you conveniently add your own drivel to the end of my quote, i.e., "that standups shape great kneelos". And you call me inane. If you are going to use a quote and attempt to slam someone for it, at least have the common decency to use the actual quote without adding your own crap to it.

For what it's worth Mr. Quinn, there is some irony to this topic. Why? Because on the rare occasions when you have something of value to contribute (and you're not making a personal attack on someone), I've actually agreed with you and enjoyed your contributions. But this has become the exception rather than the rule.

All I'm asking, politely if you will, is that you desist on calling people stupid, inane, morons or kooks. If the shapers disagree with something, let them make a statement for themselves. If you disagree with somebody, you can do so without insulting everybody.

Because when you do so, you are basically lowering yourself to a level that gets people thrown off this site. It's just a matter of time... :wink:
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what the hell happened?

Post by kneemor »

What the hell happened? I post a shaping question out there and get a diatribe by EQ.

EQ-I have surfed Cloudbreak, Zippers, and Pavones on a kneelo shaped by a standup and killed it. What is your point exactly?

I support my local shaper not just kneelo shapers. I am also a pretty capable stand up surfer and prefer to stick with one shaper who I have developed a kinship with. He knows how I surf both kneelo and standup and shapes for my type of surfing on both craft.

I have Flashpoint and had pretty much all the kneelo shapers boards on this site. All of them rock but not as much as the boards my shaper has made for me.

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Post by wino »

Not to pile onto the Mighty EQ, but two of the best boards I've ever owned are from stand up shapers. Steve Boysen, shaped me a board that I took to Pascuales one summer and for three month that baby handled everything I was able to paddle it in to and I made the biggest and deepest tubes of my life on that board. The other was shaped by a garage shaper that went by the nickname Soupman. I rode that board for the three years I lived in Monterey primarily at Moss and it never failed me even after I buckled it.
Currently I am getting boards from shaper Shawn Ambrose. He is primarily a standup shaper. However, he has extensive kneeboarding experience. But I'm going to assume Greg Little and I are the only kneelos that currently order from him. By the way he is making a killing selling stubby quads to standups that are based on Greg and my kneeboards. A master shaper can shape anything. If a guy started shaping in the era a close tollerance Clark blanks then you're most likely to get crap from him for a kneeboard. But a guy that's been mowing foam for a few decades can carve what ever you like out a of rectangular block of foam.
Oh and those boards that Eberly shaped for Bill, SF, Chris B, etc... 20 years ago are not that different than what the top "Kneelo" shapers are making today.
Finally, this thread is not at all insulting to any of the top "kneelo" shapers. I would suspect that to a man they would say hey could work, give it a go.

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Post by C.P.Odom »

Shawn is an alright guy and I cannot wait to try one of his boards (Greg are you listening?). He is a craftsman and worth a good look. Last time I was in his shop (Real Surf, Oceanside) he was working on boards for Wino and someone from H.B. Oceanside Loner Kneeboarder "Kneelo Mike" shreads the Tyson street area on Shawn's boards.
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Post by eqKneelo »

This site has become such a PC Commune it's insane... and that's from a guy who was born and raised in The People's Republic of Berkeley.

Let me try to, once again, wade thru this muck.

1) SFkneelo is a stud for trying to moderate this... but he need not speak for me.

2) This thread STARTED very polite... RE-READ IT... but all the sanctimonious "Internet Kneeboard Experts" had to come in and drive home their opinions... so I defended mine. Easily.

3) KidRock- YOU called ME a KOOK (Funniest moment of this entire thread, By The Way).... and you're statements ARE ridiculous and at times idiotic.... spades a spade.
And on a literary note, I didn't twist any of your words... it's called a "paraphrase"... and I only did it because you're not too eloquent when you get all huffy.
I'll go back in an include your EXACT wording... my response stays the same.

4) I'm humbly speaking for the shapers because THEY ARE LONG GONE! They used to be our greatest resource, but they have been driven away by the PC Nerd Herd. (Bud even went as far as to take down his PERSONAL site.)
And it's not just them... think about all the great surfers who have vanished? Some still hide in the Photo Gallery (which had to be policed and have the "rating system" removed once the kooks discovered it and started slandering all of Slats' and Steeno's awesome work.)
Remember when guys like BillL and Sprocky and Barry and The British National Team were regular contributors?
Remember when the Aussie's used this site as if it were their own?
I miss those days.

5) Sorry Wino... but once again, Best Kneelos in The World Ride Boards Shaped By Kneelos. (Or... boards that are DIRECT COPIES of proven shapes.)

6) So why am I here?
I wish I had the self-respect to ban myself, but I've got a soft spot for this site. Maybe because I've been here since the days... but maybe I am out of touch... maybe this site is no longer mainly about the growth of The Sport, but more about nostalgia and feelings.

So, Kid Rock... you seem to be the King of The Nerd Herd... and you keep insinuating I should be banned... instead of making weak little threats, be a man and get it done.

Start a thread or a Poll or whatever and get me banned.
But do it right... get me expunged. All threads... all photos... everything.
They did it to your boy Geno... get even.
I've got no problem standing up for what I believe... let's see if you do too... and who's really with you.
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Post by W.G. Facenda »

Just like surfing styles...some, are obviously trying too hard and some go with the flow and make difficult look easy. " Herding cats", I like that one! 8)

I want to add, Kneeboarding is changing and really flourishing right now. Many,many standup shapers and surfers are riding, and KNEEBOARDING fish shapes and spoons and stringerless,quads. Surfing has never been as OPENMINDED as NOW. Who knows what will EVOLVE from all this but to hang on to the 90's clear stickered,contest,trifin era is living in the past and is now retro.
Last edited by W.G. Facenda on Sun Jan 27, 2008 2:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Post by SFKneelo »

EQ, it's the delivery that is getting called out.

You are warned.

That said, I've said enough.

For everyone:

The next step is a shut-down of the forums to give EVERYONE a chance to reflect on why you come here, how you will contribute in a positive manner, and how you will give respect to those that may not see things exactly as you do.

Healthy discussion and debate is what the forum is about. However, it only works when respect is given.

Because this tool makes it so easy to say what's on your mind, ask yourself:

1. SHOULD you say what's on your mind?
2. HOW can you say it while respected those that read it?
3. WHEN is a good time to say nothing at all? Maybe it's right now!
4. WHY are you saying it?
5. WHO benefits, and WHO gets hurt... are YOU the one that will get hurt?

Do this BEFORE hitting the 'Submit' button.

If in doubt, write a THERAPY POST to make yourself feel better. Save it somewhere. Come back to it with a clear mind.
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Post by alfredo zavala »

That's REALLY GREAT Advice S. F.

I have regretted sending a few on here. . . Wish I would've gave them a day. . .

P. S.
This rain sucks. . .

Off to play Monopoly with the Ohana :D

Did get some fun ones yesterday at the Rock. The howling S.E. winds made the rights look like Maalaea though not the same wave obviously :shock:
Would never try to compare MB to Maui!! :shock:
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Post by kidrock »


thank you for seeing the light and giving the child a reprimand. I think it's obvious to everyone by now that he is THE WORST offender on the site. And, as I'm sure everyone has also noticed, he concludes his long-winded diatribe with a not-so-veiled personal threat, confirming my earlier post about him. Such threats are considered a form of Assault by law and statute, whether by mouth or by keyboard. I may share this info with my law enforcement friends and lawyer buddies and consider what options are available, and document this episode.

Normally, I would respond to Mr. William Shatner by telling him how wooden and over-the-top his responses are, much like his acting ability. But I probably need to reserve my critique, because I quite frankly don't care much for the Sci-Fi's for "nerds" I'll leave any acting critiques to his Dungeons-n-Dragons buddies that live in their Mom's basement. But, he sure is good at "acting" like a real Tough Guy!!!

kidrock out. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by jdkneelo »

Gees a bloke posts a thread about a design question and it ends up with a bitchfight. Blokes getting banished and the associated diatribe. this site used to be a good moderator now half of it isn,t worth reading. I could say something about septics but i won,t
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Re: what the hell happened?

Post by quadfin »

martinmurph wrote:
kneemor wrote: All of them rock but not as much as the boards my shaper has made for me.
:idea: -- It's been said many times before on this site. Build a relationship with your shaper, and your boards will get better...

Boy do I miss hearing from Bud right about now. Hope he's doing ok.

Amen brother Amen. Did not read the first umpteen pages of this or will I but there must have been some discourse. :shock:

Imperfect kneeboards in my past have been the direct result of poor communication, rum, or my lack of listening to the shaper whether standup or kneelo. A good shaper is a good shaper.
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Post by ScottMac »

Last edited by ScottMac on Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by SFKneelo »

One little addition... for what it's worth.

Both EQ and Kidrock have been leaders...

Go figure.
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Post by kidrock »

Bringing it back on topic,

I personally think the picklefork is a really cool shape, but cannot personally attest to it's functionality.

Two things I do know about them:
1) they've been tested since at least the 70's, and
2) 2FastZeke really seems to like his.

I believe that if they were really all that functional, they would have been treated like the Thruster of the early 80's which virtually wiped out the single fin. We would all be riding them...

And, as EQ stated would be very interesting to have some of the experienced kneelo shapers contribute to this thread with their thoughts on this particular shape.

kidrock out. :wink:
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