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Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:58 pm
by barry
when I use a finbox my preference is the future system.
Fcs wasn't my favorite, the bigger fin surface seemed to stress the box.
Jon Manss and I just had rainbow fin co make us some custom fiberglass fins.
took a month to get but the fins and flex are awesome!
Have a friend using the lokbox system, he broke the box and fin out while surfing. lost the box and fin.also couldn't find a replacement for it. (there is a high probability of failure with ANY fin system) Glass on is the best, but for traveling the removeable fins allow you to bring more boards along in the coffin bag. on my north shore trip I fit 3 boards in my coffin 2 glass ons and 1 future system. I could have taken 4 boards if they all had removeable fins. Good luck with the research Bruce!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 4:32 am
by Andy
Waaaay back at the start of this topic, Waka said......."also the problem with all plastic fins is flex-unlike good old fibreglass fins".... Can some wise guru elaborate on this ? I've got a gut feel that fin flex isnt a bad thing, but I guess i could be wrong.


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:58 am
by DrStrange
Andy, flex IS good! Its the type of flex that can be not so good. Fiberglass, esp glass on can give stiff snappy return after bending and due to foiling be progressively more flexy as go from base to tip. Plastic tends to give a more "spoogy" soft return after flexing.


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 4:47 pm
by K-man
So thats what's happening with those plastic fins I use....''spoogy''Doc,what the hell would I do without you?What the hell would I do with you?Why surf of course :)
Have used various fins from various materials for periods of time...I can't tell squat about whether they flex,no flex..
glass on fins,love em.The other fin boxes..great.unfortunately the reefs up here eat boards,shred most of the newer boxes along with various bottom parts because of the tearing.
Will stick with FCS system and plastic fins.


PS-doc,where be the mandala quad??

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:40 am
by DrStrange
Manny has suddenly become VERRRRRY popular and so it is still in the formative stage. He predicts wait time to come down soonish as he gets his facilities "shaped".

Re: boxes

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 7:55 pm
by hart
barry wrote:
Good luck with the research Bruce!

Simon said to say g'day..he was very impressed with your surfing and your attitude when you met up in Hawaii.. :lol:

Good on you mate

So, to date:

Loxbox replied that they don't have an agent and I would have to import my own to OZ if I were to use them.

On A Mission recieved a favourable report from Farrer NSG2005 in terms of water-testing but became a problem when preparing to surf Sunset.

OAM is a relatively complex system allowing incremental adjustment of each fin (5 different places) and as such has many 'moving parts'.

This became a hassle of sorts..and resulted in damage to and replacement of 3 brand new plugs.

Simon's assessment therefore was "Good system, but next boards we will go back to FCS"

Futures have a really unique type of fin that has captured plenty of attention in OZ..and everyone that has used this system has done so to get to use this 'special' fin. Problem is, the guys haven't liked the way the fin feels in the water..and have gone back to their previous system as a result. Meaning it was the fin that caught their attention in the first place and not the system itself.

FCS (the original system, not the copy) have just released their new plugs. They are made of stronger material than at present and come in red and blue colours..but other than that, they are identicle to existing.

I must say that after seeing these new plugs and given the extensive range of FCS fins available (Carbon and Glass) that I must give FCS the nod..

and continue to recommend it as our principal system.

Hope this was of interest and thanks to those that contributed.


respectfully yours on ANZAC Day


Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:15 am
by salty
Hey Bruce,

What are the specifics with the OAM issues that Simon experienced ?

As you know I am currently playing with my OAM setup with V-Type fins. Being an old-timer find it hard going past the fin boxes used in my old boards. Any info on what designs OAM offer as an alternative to the V-type ?

Have found the OAM system pretty hard to adjust..although a hint is to use silicone grease on the fin pin....a lot easier to adjust.


Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:56 pm
by hart
salty wrote:

What are the specifics with the OAM issues that Simon experienced ?

In Simon's haste to get in the water, he forgot to rewind the fixing screws that hold the fin in..and as a result he forced the fin(s) into the adjustment slots.

While this is not in fact a problem with the system itself, it remains that errors can be made..

Have found the OAM system pretty hard to adjust..although a hint is to use silicone grease on the fin pin....a lot easier to adjust.

In my mind, the beauty of the adjustment is not so that the fin position is changed from surf to is more that changes can be made that allow the board to be tuned in to the surfer a little more than other systems allow..

Once the ideal position is found, I would suggest the fins remain essentially fixed in that location.

The Sydney sales rep is Tony Raper from Narrabeen 0407 273827 and he advises me that the website for OAM is and is being updated to show all the new fin shapes that they have available.



Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 2:50 pm
by red
Any feedback on the H2 series from FCS?
These are meant to have better (modern) foil than previous FCS efforts.

For my part I think the OAM is a seperior system to the FCS in every way. It is adjustable. The fins have good foil and shape and they are very integral to the board (less sloppy flex where they seat into the board).

I takes a while to get the hang of getting them in and moving them around, though (just have to give them firm, smart smacks - preferably with a towel as protection), and I don't know how the long fin key will last (but a standard L-shape allen key will work fine in its place).

The OAM website has been "under construction" for over 6 months. Not a good sign...

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 3:01 pm
by albert
red wrote:Any feedback on the H2 series from FCS?
These are meant to have better (modern) foil than previous FCS efforts.

I too am very curious about these fins.
Seen plenty of ads for them in magazines, but never seen them in a shop. Once I do I will get them.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 4:13 pm
by Bryn
Been using the H2's for a little while now in my small wave board and been really impressed. The extra cant built in to them really seems to give that extra boost when put on rail. The centre fin is also a slightly smaller template so the set as a whole feels nicely balanced. Interested to know how others have got on with them.



Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 1:26 am
by hart
(FCS) H2

has just won a design award in Australia.. :)

I can imagine them (on a kneeboard) preceding a high-apect Greenough centre-fin on a spoon

not a thruster by any means..but indeed a tri-fin

21st Century concept applied to a (proven) 70's principle.

Tomorrow at our doorstep..

You are ready, aren't you?



with thanks to GG, PC and Simon Ando (by default)


Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:42 am
by surfhorn
I've been using Futures for about 1 1/2 years (on KB.....3 years on standup boards) and have liked the versitility as I explore various templates for the longer/wider KBs I'm riding.

I spent a lot of the early 1970's experimenting with fiberglass flex fins while riding for Freeline. an old friend started Rainbow Fin Company and was located right next door to Freeline's factory. In fact, Rainbow's current 12" flex fin (unglossed) is the design John and I cut out at Freeline (in the days where many surfboard manufacturers made their own fins.....and in Freeline's case, their own 'glass handles!). I was able to take flex fins and sand/foil them for more or less 'twang'.

Nothing more fun than taking off on a huge wave, going straight to the bottom and way out into the flats and then punch a great big 'ol square turn and be rocketed down the line. TWANG!!!!!!!!

Commercial Fin Systems that suit Kneeboards

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 4:04 am
by dannyh
Hi guys.

the best fin i have found that gives heaps of drive is the C DRIVE FIN
it fits into fin sloutions plug is about $35 per set (fins only) .
if ya want any info just let me no .
i wont use anyother fin now.

dan 8)

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 10:54 am