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Channeled Flex

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:24 pm
by frankfqr
This is my first post. I have been following things for approximately two years. Not knowing how to type I have found myself yelling at the screen at times. I have been hooked on single fin boards since 1965. Not for lack of trying something different, but anytime a multi fin board slid at all it was big negative points for me. I have talked with a lot of good shapers and bar none they all say I would have to change my style. My style is low and power slotted more compared to riding a luge. I have no visions of slamming into lips or attaining "air". Both skills I assume are fine tuned in marginal beach break closeouts. When the forum discussing flex spoon boards first appeared it was said the rider's style should change to tap it's potential. Again I screamed at the screen, right up my alley. Out of the turn at 3g's is also interesting to me. On decent swells my goal is to roll my eyes into the bottom of the sockets on hard turns. Blinding g's I think attained at 4g's. I do like the speed with the multi-fin boards so the idea I have had utilizing the "channeled flex" is something I have had in the back of my mind for about ten years. The idea is the more power on the turn the more hold I should attain, no drift is the goal. I look forward to your input on my theories and thoughts. I need a swell, my channeled flex is still a virgin.


Channeled flex again

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:29 pm
by frankfqr
Forgot to mention I posted a photo in Board designs.



Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:36 pm
by hart

The board looks hot!



Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:46 pm
by john -
how do i get to the picture :? :? :? :?:

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:15 pm
by lowrider

Frank, got a pic of the top of the board?
like how thick is the tail?


Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:41 pm
by john -
cheers LR

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:31 pm
by surfhorn
You go, Frank!!!!!! We'll pray for some surf for SoCal. I see Fernanda spinning south of Baja.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 10:51 pm
by red
Very interesting. A machine dedicated to purpose.

Some observations and questions:
Outline/tail looks very fast.
Fins not toed in. Great for speed.
Low aspect fins (long base/short height) help low speed control
Why no camber on fins (can enhance 'grip' through hard rail turns)?

Details of the bottom (vee, etc.) would be interesting.

Thanks for the post.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:32 am
by Man O' War
Franko, when I saw the pic, I started screaming at the screen. I can't tell which part is the flex.

Channeled Flex

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:31 pm
by frankfqr
Thanks guys for the input.

Red: From the one picture I posted you have a good eye. Your insights were the same as Hendrick's were. Terry was the first person whom I was honored to have the first hands on examination of this concept. Wanting to have the leading fins centered on the foam center channel the lead fins actually toe out. I know it is against every train of thought I have seen on this subject. But, in my mind, I casually went with it. If I toed in or parallel, the glassed on fins would overlap to much on the flex.
Given that the water flow on the wave is coming straight up the face, the only time we would align the stringer straight on to meet that flow and attain perfect hydro-dynamic input to the fin area, I think, we would call that purling. It seems as if at all times our fins meet force at ever changing angles so deviating from the norm was a risk I took. If I had talked with Terry prior to glassing on the fins, he would have shown me his method of glassing only the front half of the fin and letting the trailing half float free over the flex. Easy to change, but we laughingly said, "try it - what the heck." Believe me, all of this is new to me, and everyone's inputs are not taken lightly. Thank you. (several photo's are listed today under "Boards". Tried to get the concept to you all.

Dimensions= 5ft. 8in. x 22in.
Thickness= 2 1/2 in. max. 1 1/4 in. at the tail.
1/4 in concave starting approx. 18 inches back from the nose.
Finishing with slight vee off the tail

Thanks again, look forward to hearing more.


Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 9:09 pm
by Bud
Very nice.
I suspect it'll be real.......... REAL FAST

I also suspect the camber in the fins will be variable as they flex with the general area they are glassed on.

Years back I'd played with the front fins towed out but found them more tracky than towed in. I also noticed the added drag more.

You could also inset carbon fiber fishing rod stock to those grooves if it proves too flexy and for added durability.

At any rate a great idea and it'll be loads of fun trying it out for sure.

Can't wait for the field report!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 7:44 pm
by DrStrange
Frank, you may not get blind but perhaps your gums will turn white!?!? We can only hope. Thumbs up and then some for running w/ your own ideas!