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Funny Article on SURFLINE about "Retro-Boards"

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:08 am
by eqKneelo
... and their inability to get barreled.

Maybe because they are KNEEBOARDS!!! 8)

(Although, the stand-ups could make the same claim against those Kneelo's who've never done a "real turn" due to their ancient board design... sorry "short quad" guys. :wink: )

Here's the link: ... m?id=17437

Here's an excerpt:

We spent the next few days watching Donny bog in barrels, trying to convince him that we were right about Retro Boards, while he was wrong.

It became quite the topic of conversation, right up there with what an evil monster Donny's estranged wife was. In fact, it was such a talking point, I even emailed some experts for their opinions on the matter: 2001 World Champ CJ Hobgood, and premier surf historian Matt Warshaw.

Some key points from the battlefield, as presented by the anti-retro contingent:

Retro Boards are undeniably fun in summer slop. But when the waves get serious, and there are kegs to be tapped, Retro Boards have a tendency to track straight to the base of the wave, or get hung up on the high line. Translation: In good waves, Retro boards are most fun when other people are riding them. Your trendy bro gets pitched over the falls on his shiny relic, while you get barreled on a standard board. "I'm sure they work when its ankle high burgers," CJ Hobgood told me. "But when the waves get good, watching crew trying to get them to work is pretty classic. There's always a price for being cool."

As CJ points out, people are only riding them because they're cool. Blame Sprout, blame Rob Machado, blame Mullosk, blame nostalgia... "In Florida trends normally get overlooked," Hobgood told me, "And I don't see as many retro fishes. But when I go to my brother's house in Encinitas, watch out. Unless you're a grom, you can't find a shortboard."

Retro boards are fools' gold, and should be used with discretion. "I'm sure it feels like you're ripping on a board that you could've actually gotten two shortboards worth out of with all that foam and resin," CJ notes. "But truth be told don't be scared to go back to that shortboard or fish or quad or gun. I do when the time's right. Not everyone can get a 5'10 flyer to work at 6 to 8 foot Bells, Slater you freak."

Let sleeping dogs lie. Each retro design had a place in surfing history, but history is best left for the historians, like Encyclopedia of Surfing author Matt Warshaw. "All those retro boards worked great -- when they weren't retro," Matt told me. "Any shortboard rode like a miracle in the late '60s, compared to longboards; the stinger felt loose and pivoty after the basic roundpin single; the twin was REALLY loose compared to ANY single -- on down the line. But going back to any of those boards today means you're either a fashion victim (80% of the fish riders?) or such a hot surfer that you're just bored with regular equipment (Machado)."

Donny's brother also offered the following in summation:
a. "Chuck Norris knows that Simon Anderson invented the thruster. Chuck Norris isn't sure who designed your retro board, but Chuck Norris suspects he might have been French."
b. "Chuck Norris rode a quad once in the '80s. He made sure to get an STD test afterwards. We didn't know all the facts back then."
c. "If Chuck Norris caught the last wave, the next wave still belongs to Chuck Norris."

Despite these compelling points, the argument continued well into the second week of our surf trip. Donny continued to ride his retro boards, Donny kept avoiding the barrel, and we kept offering forceful advice:

"You're going too low 'cause you're on that crap retro board. You need to draw a high line. Point your leading arm towards the exit of the barrel, and that's where you'll go."

"You're out-running the tube 'cause you're on that crap quad fish. You need to slow down more."

"You can't fit in these tubes because your stance is all wrong. You're bending at the waist when you should be bending your knees. That and the retro board are not helping."

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:10 am
by skansand
funny article EQ.. good chuck norris jokes... phhh.. time to shape a flextail slab.. :)


Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:34 am
by Kauaikneelo
When I first started seeing "fishes" around here, on cars and such, I thought 'no-way another kneelo?!?!', but after further investigation found they were just "retro".

Funny thing is compared to the modern kb's its like driving a VW (good car, luv'em) to a corvette (bitchen car). But if the costs were similar, which would you drive? (ps..chicks dont dig retro that much!!)

If you think "retro" is cool, then buy a first generation pc! They were great THEN, but when you can have better, WHY? OR pull out that 40+ year old longboard that weighs a ton and is a plank of steel that only can turn in a block radius! Thats RETRO dude!

I think they have a fun place in the wave riding arena, but let's face it techonolgy and hind-sight are COOL 8). Dont limit what you ride have lots of kinds of boards and keep "our shapers" working! That way KBer's wont be "retro" anytime soon.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:53 am
by eqKneelo
Hey Captain Kook-
The only thing more irrelevant than your surfing is your opinion.
Beat it.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:08 am
by ezak
That whole article, .... and this thread is just a "real turn" to the worst.


Ride a wave on whatever the hell you want the way you want to.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:28 am
by eqKneelo
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I knew it was you! :lol:
What's up, Geno?! You guys getting waves down there?
Been OK, up here.
I'll be at Camp Pendelton on Thursday working with the Semper Fi Boys... get a grom to jump on a 10Speed and peddle up that Beer Money.

Ezak... relax. The whole story is supposed to be a good ribbing. (The author posted a photo of himself getting barreled on a fish.)
You are obviously a little sensitive about your equipment, but if you can't be honest and laugh at yourself you shouldn't participate in public forums.
Yes... ride whatever you want... but that doesn't mean I can't make fun of you. :wink:

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:40 am
by ezak
You think you know what I ride?

Your right :lol: and your wrong :shock:


Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:09 pm
by randiego
ED, I just saw that feature and came straight here to post a link. Damn you beat me to it! 8) 8)

That sh** is freaking hilarious - especially the Chuck Norris jokes and the "barrel dodger" stuff.

The commentary on the "fish fashion victims" was dead-on! :lol: :lol: I love it!!

owner of a 5'7" Toby fish custom-ordered from South Coast in '84, that stays in it's bag all the time for a reason!*

* - it don't float me no more


Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:13 pm
by surfhorn
Coincidence: Chuck Norris in Santa Cruz playing footsie with homeless trolls.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:41 pm
by kidrock
I thought the story contained too much biting sarcasm and was way too cynical...I didn't bother trying to find out who the "author" was, but the entire piece (of crap) reeked of the typical Parmenter style. If it wasn't him, it was a blatant ripoff.

The only people who really seem to enjoy this garbage are the people who feel as if they are more "enlightened" than others by the type of vehicles they ride and company they keep. I'm calling BS on that.

We all contributed to Nov's thread about "Where KBing is Going". As any idiot could guess, there were differing opinions AROUND THE WORLD, not just between one side of the globe (or State, for that matter).

Let's put it in a bit of perspective here...MR and that Twin Fin were "State of the Art" and were considered to be the Pinnacle of Development. Didn't take long for Simon and his Thruster to put that notion to rest, did it? And, the "Thrusters" of yesteryear are light years behind the tri's of today.

My point is, don't get so damn cocky about what's "progressive" and what's "retro". The vehicle you ride today will probably be a freaking dinosaur tomorrow. The fish has evolved over the years, but it's still a fish. And it has proven that in any shape or form, it will be here tomorrow.

A little humility might suit you well.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:18 am
by RMcKnee
First up, Kauaikneelo wrote
Funny thing is compared to the modern kb's its like driving a VW (good car, luv'em) to a corvette (bitchen car). But if the costs were similar, which would you drive? (ps..chicks dont dig retro that much!!)
But I stick with it because, (call me underground, but), I think a Corvette looks like an overdressed cockroach and won't carry 4 boards in the back and still leave me room to get into and out of my wettie. 8)

And Kid, I reckon the Surfline piece simply appeals to the deep conservatism of the average surfer. :wink:

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:13 am
by W.G. Facenda
Kook article -by kook author- for kooks-for kook magazine -for kook times

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:54 am
by eqKneelo
randiego wrote:ED, I just saw that feature and came straight here to post a link. Damn you beat me to it! 8) 8)

That sh** is freaking hilarious - especially the Chuck Norris jokes and the "barrel dodger" stuff.
Randiego- No it's not.

The Nerd Herd and Nostalgia Nazi's have weighed in... and apparently making any judgments on equipment (especially old, or even over priced faux-old) or performance is strictly forbidden on KSUSA... regardless if it's just an attempt at humor and social commentary.

Kneeboarding is just too serious.

I'm gonna head back to the Photo Forums where things are simpler (if a photo "Looks good" it "Is Good".)

My apologies to those of you who got a little freaked out.


Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 9:32 am
by K-man
Kneeboarding is just too serious.... :lol: :lol: so true-too true.
Excuse me whilst I slip back under my rock.... :lol:


Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:12 am
by randiego
Whoa boys... lighten up! :D

I shouldn't have to explain this, but here goes: The article is funny as social commentary on FASHION TRENDS (retro fishes and the like as fashion) and the guys that follow them. Chuck Norris became a parody of himself years ago and that stuff is pure gold.

That's it - that's all. You don't need to look any deeper than that. It's an article on standups anyway.

I got nothin' against retro boards or the guys that ride them. I see a few guys rip on them everyday, but only a few. 95% of the guys riding fishes (again standups) don't have a clue what they are about, but think they are cool to have.

I don't ride my old fish anymore because my Blast and Schoelkopf's work better. 8) Maybe the troll can teach me how to ride it. :lol: :lol:
