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What's the longest kneeboard you've ever seen?

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 5:16 pm
by fooj
My friend has a shaping room in his backyard and somehow a 6'7"X22"X2.75" (maybe 3") Aussie style thruster emerged from it. The thing fun to paddle, easy to catch waves with and hard to turn. I'm sure there's kneelos out there that can top my Exxon Valdez.

Re: What's the longest kneeboard you've ever seen?

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 5:40 pm
by Jeff
jfooj wrote:My friend has a shaping room in his backyard and somehow a 6'7"X22"X2.75" (maybe 3") Aussie style thruster emerged from it. The thing fun to paddle, easy to catch waves with and hard to turn. I'm sure there's kneelos out there that can top my Exxon Valdez.
Simon Farrer rides boards up to 7'2" the aussie style boards are really the way to go

I've heard of that, but have never seen one with my own eyes

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 5:56 pm
by fooj
I'm curious to know what it would look like. Fin placement, thickness, width, rails, nose/tail, all around contours. Probably a better question is: Does anybody ride hyperelongated kneeboards and What are the dimensions?

Re: I've heard of that, but have never seen one with my own

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 6:35 pm
by Jeff
jfooj wrote:I'm curious to know what it would look like. Fin placement, thickness, width, rails, nose/tail, all around contours. Probably a better question is: Does anybody ride hyperelongated kneeboards and What are the dimensions?
I'm currently riding a 6' aussie style board thats 22.5" with the fins placed up further on the board rides great has a round pin and is alittle fatter up front just to the front of where your knees are and then tapers off. Check out Simons video The Sparrow has Landed and Friends.There is alot of different shapes of boards. Check it out

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 7:51 pm
by stemple
I saw someone on what looked like to be a 7 foot plus board with fins on last month at OB. I did not see him catch a wave though. It didn't look turnable to me.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2003 9:49 pm
by fooj
"The Sparrow" changed my outlook on kneeboarding completely. Simon Farrer does amazing things on that black board with the trident. He charges some huge Fairy Bower and Maldives and never touches a rail with his hands. I wonder if that board is 7'2"? I am convinced that the Aussie fin-foward design solve many of the problems that kneeboarders have had. There is a group of extremely gifted guys who rage in huge surf on 5'8" four fin fishes. These guys deserve all of our respect. Fearless freaks that they are I think that normal people can benefit from the Aussie fin foward design. Getting into waves early, being able to paddle over large areas of turbulent sea and not feeling like a body surfer in big stuff all can be given by a longer board.

That all said I'm just an run of the mill kneeboarder with average skills and an overactive mind. Been at it for 21 years and have had alot of time to think with this head that has hit the shallow reef hard on more than one occassion.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 6:19 am
by Jeff
jfooj wrote:"The Sparrow" changed my outlook on kneeboarding completely. Simon Farrer does amazing things on that black board with the trident. He charges some huge Fairy Bower and Maldives and never touches a rail with his hands. I wonder if that board is 7'2"? I am convinced that the Aussie fin-foward design solve many of the problems that kneeboarders have had. There is a group of extremely gifted guys who rage in huge surf on 5'8" four fin fishes. These guys deserve all of our respect. Fearless freaks that they are I think that normal people can benefit from the Aussie fin foward design. Getting into waves early, being able to paddle over large areas of turbulent sea and not feeling like a body surfer in big stuff all can be given by a longer board.

That all said I'm just an run of the mill kneeboarder with average skills and an overactive mind. Been at it for 21 years and have had alot of time to think with this head that has hit the shallow reef hard on more than one occassion.
I believe that the 7'2"board that Simon is riding is at the Fairy Bower I'm not sure about the Maldives.Your right they do deserve all our respect.

oi oi oi

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 3:54 pm
by Steeno
mate aussie are no different to you guys, we jus love kneeboarding, like u do(u guys have my respect for being so dedicated in country that has had no kneelo direction for a long time, and u still do it). I have had a 7"3, 6"9 and my big gun is now a 6"4. put some flippers on when its big and you dont need length, if u use them all the time u wont know how special they are in big waves. the longer the board the harder to turn.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2003 10:47 am
by Ler
I seen a 5' 9" diamond pintail once made for someone going to Northshore.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 3:43 pm
by surfhorn
One of the longest I've seen in the Santa Cruz area was a KB built in San Diego for a local KBer to ride at Mavericks. It was around 6'0" + but was built super heavy, with both sides covered with graphite glass.

long stick

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2003 3:27 am
by ivandill
Mike Mcguire blast 6"8 round pin quad sunset gun and his 15 plus leach.

Re: I've heard of that, but have never seen one with my own

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 4:11 am
by ssmartie2001
I'm currently riding a parkes (FT) 6'4" x 24 1/2' x 3" double concave, 4 fin custom shaped. It turns on a dime and hugs the rail can't give the boards david parkes makes a big enough rap I also have a FT 5'8" x 23" x 2 1/4 " they're just great boards.
Jeff wrote:
jfooj wrote:I'm curious to know what it would look like. Fin placement, thickness, width, rails, nose/tail, all around contours. Probably a better question is: Does anybody ride hyperelongated kneeboards and What are the dimensions?
I'm currently riding a 6' aussie style board thats 22.5" with the fins placed up further on the board rides great has a round pin and is alittle fatter up front just to the front of where your knees are and then tapers off. Check out Simons video The Sparrow has Landed and Friends.There is alot of different shapes of boards. Check it out

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 5:31 pm
by fooj
What kind of surf do you take that 3" thick 6'4" quad into? Must be some serious stuff (or maybe you're a big guy.) Yeah, Parkes makes great high performance boards, he is a precision craftsman. Jeff.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 11:57 pm
by hart

I had to ask Simon what board he was surfing when filmed at Deadmans(Bower)..It was his 6'6"..not his seven-0. I'm pretty sure he didn't surf the gun at all during the footage we see.

There is a photo of Gavin Colman on the home page now...taken in Peurto a few years back. Most OZZY blanks are limited to 6'6" and that's what Gavin is also riding.To build boards longer requires more thought.

A couple of years after that photo, Gavin moved to Margaret River (West OZ) and he wanted a board so that he could be photograghed surfing the BIGGEST waves ever captured on film.

Gavin has a 7'6" x 22.75" pintail of the most incredible kneeboards that I have ever seen.

Interesting, it wasn't just an elongated short was 100% kneeboard nose and tail, but an Eric Arakawa curve was introduced from the widepoint back to 12" up from the tail. Looked awesome.

I've not heard of Gavin since, but if anyman can do is Gavin.

Footnote: Colman is riding a 6'6" swallow in the G-Land footage of "Sparrow"...Too much rail for not-so-big Indo.

Regards from OZ

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 7:58 am
by stemple

If Gavin wants to ride big waves, we got urselves a pretty decent set up here in Northern Cal. You might have heard about it. Its called "Mavericks". Check out the photo gallery there is a single photo some 15 or 16 pages from the end that shows someone taking off on a Mavs macker.

Two years ago, a few people swear that a 100 foot wave occurred out there. Apparently, a water rescue person on a ski was out there when it happened. She said it moving so fast that her 1000 cc rig was almost not fast enough to outrun it. At the time she said she didn't think it could surfed it was moving way to fast. I wonder has any kneeboarder ever been towed into monster waves? What would a kneeboard tow board look like?