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Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 5:26 pm
by fisherrat
Blast 4 fin fish hybrid or 2k fish. Like to know from some one who rode them whats the different. Is one better in big waves,or is one a better for turns and down the line? :roll:

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 10:52 pm
by Bud
Either design are very versitile depending on your approach.

The Fish Hybrid and F2K can both be tuned to the surf you most often encounter. Be it So CAl style play surf or North Shore style death pits and monster surf.

If you grew up surfing off the back of the board with fins set near the tail (like many US kneeboarders) then the Fish Hybrid would be easier to adjust to.

The F2K has it's fins set further forward and built like the modern designs.
It's wider in the middle with the ends and rails foiled out more.
There is more rocker over all. This makes it feel and surf much smaller than it looks.

If you developed a style from riding a low volume, low rocker design with the fins set near the tail. A jump to a higher volume design with more rocker and the fins set much farther forward will be harder to get use to.

But if you've already adjusted to riding a modern kneeboard design with the fins forward, then the F2K will be very easy to ride.

I've had nothing but raves from everyone who got the F2K.
Read the testimonials on my web site.

The Fish Hybrid is still a favorate of many of my long time customers.
They've get small wave versions and ones for serious juice.

They are both a simple ellegant solution to kneeboard surfing, allowing for a great blend of speed and maneuverability for either approach and the best tube riding boards ever.


Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 7:00 am
by surfhorn
Fisherrat - the solution is simple:

Call Bud and buy one of each! One for the normal SoCal days and one for summer, when those killer Southern Hemis light up California.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 2:33 pm
by Eric Carson
I've got the F2k fish and I'll never sell this board. It's like a Detroit muscle car with a highly tweaked aftermarket suspension. It'll turn when you want it to, yet will lock and drive a high line with unexplainable speed.
The quiver idea posted above it the best solution, and one that I'm actively persuing, although it's getting harder and harder to convince the government (wife) that I really need a fourth board. :twisted:

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 11:37 am
by Bud


Up for grabs are 2 new Blast Fish.
Pictures are on the "boards" photo gallery.

(The order was cancelled due to impatience by the customer.)

1 is a Fish Hybrid classic with light blue laminated bottom and lime green pinline on the rail, clear deck & glassed on fins, sanded finish.

5'10" X 22 1/4" X 2 1/2"

The other is a Fish Hybrid 2K.
Clear glass job, glassed on fins, sanded finish.

5'10" X 23" X 2 1/2"

$450 ea. plus $100 shipping to anywhere in the USA including Puerto Rico.

Hawaii shipping is $35.

Any takers?
Just give me a holler!
(This is a deal as prices have gone up significantly.)

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 2:00 pm
by steve burpo
bud,how are the boards glassed?? I like light boards.Steve

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 3:27 pm
by Bud
Good question........let me run down and weigh them.


Got it!

They weigh 7 pounds each.
Glass jobs are 6 oz bottoms, double 4 oz S cloth decks with a butterfly tail patch and 1/8 in glass bead around the swallow tail edges.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 6:57 pm
by Bud

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 9:27 pm
by walt davidson
NICE boards - good job Bud.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 1:17 pm
by Jerry