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Center Fin Box Placement

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 5:43 am
by knee-rider
Hi all
I am having a new kneeboard made and I am wondering how far the US center fin box should be placed
I have measured my two second hand Australian Kneeboards and they measure out 18 inches from the
rear edge of the board to the trailing edge of the center skeg box-- both on my Heart pin tail as well as
my Heart Square tail shaper thruster boards

My other US boards have the US box placed far behind these measurements--
what would be some of the DISADVANTAGES of having a skeg box placed that far up??
Does the amount of rocker on a board have any influence on where the US Box should end up being placed??

I don't ride quads only single fin and thruster configurations
Looking forward to any comments/suggestions in regards :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8) 8)

Re: Center Fin Box Placement

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:20 pm
by norm

I don't have the answer to your post, but there are some really good responses in the archived kneeboard design forums. The fin placement that you choose should match your style of surfing.... As a possible alternative, you may want to install an adjustable center fin box so you can dial in what feels good. I guess it's easier said than done, but the beauty of having an adjustable center box is trying out different fins as well. Good luck, have fun and keep the stoke.
