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Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 12:35 pm
by stemple
Mixing cardio workouts is always good. If you like swimming try joining a masters swim group. For a small fee a coach gives you work outs and will work with you on improving your stroke. Using pool toys such as fins (zoomers), pull floats, and paddles will also strength you as well as improve your hand entry into the water. Improving your swimming stroke will likely improve your paddling technique. There is a pretty good masters swim group up at UCSC that meets in the mornings.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 12:45 pm
by kripchik

Definitely start mixing it up. Go for the sprint sessions and interval training, as well as kickboarding. Stemple :D made an excellent point about joining a masters group, you will get guidance and it helps with the motivation as well.


I have seen those ride on mowers and 4WDs. I have also seen a picture of a gym that has escalators leading up to the front doors (right next to the stairs). Seems a bit ironic to me. :wink:


Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 1:36 pm
by doc
I think the most important thing to consider when choosing your particular exercise program...well, besides it actually doing anything for ya... is to pick something you like doing. Otherwise, you tend to bag it pretty quickly.

Me, I like rowing, futzing around with cross country skis and commercial fishing ( you get paid for that last one, which is the part I really like) , but that's yet another set of personal problems.

Escalators outside a gym. Elevators, I could understand. Somebody going in for physical therapy in a wheelchair, right. But somebody who could get there on their own two feet..... hooboy.

I have to wonder.... had to be in the US. I'd hate to think there was somebody else with such a massive case of stupidity.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 5:04 pm
by MTBarrels
doc wrote:...If you have any protein supplements and that sort of thing, throw them away
I don't understand the adversity to protein supplements. Medical studies on athletes, elderly persons, etc. all demonstrate that muscle rebuilding is accelerated by the intake of protein immediately following exercise (preferably within 30 accelerated effect after 2 hrs have elapsed). The easiest way for me to accomplish that is to drink a liquid whey supplement (7oz) immediately following exercise. That supplies one-third to one-sixth of one's daily protein requirement (22g protein, 4g carbohydrates, 1.5g fat)--with the fraction apparently depending largely on how much one sweats (since the breakdown of muscle tissue puts the amino acids released by the breakdown process back into the bloodstream where they can be reused). Moreover, whey protein isolate contains all nine essential amino acids (only eight required by an adult) with minimal accompanying caloric uptake--and the cost is only about $0.22 per day.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 12:00 am
by Smokin Rock
I have to wonder.... had to be in the US. I'd hate to think there was somebody else with such a massive case of stupidity.[/quote]

you'd just hate to think there was anyone as stupid as the americans.
open mouth, change foot.
i appreciate "spirited exchanges" but lets not get political or religious or anything too offensive. remember what is absolutely right for you might not even make sense to someone else. live and let live.
by the way, whats your real name? i feel at a disadvantage only knowing your moniker.
concerning vitamins and other supplements my perspective is a little different. i work as a cat scan tech doing 3- 12 hour graveyard shifts 7p-7a. i usually work a construction job up to 20hours on top of that. i'll surf 2-3 times per week in between. wife, kids, mow the lawn.
i've missed 2 days of work in the last couple of years due to injuries sustained getting pounded into a reef. have'nt had a real cold or flu in years even though i'm exposed more than just about anyone except my coworkers.
i take a multivitamin along with c, b and sometimes e. most days. might just be be making expensive urine.
could'nt tell you definitively the vitamins are solely responsible but as i don't have time to always eat right they sure seem to be working.
and as they say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 2:45 am
by doc
[quote="SMOKIN ROCK"]
you'd just hate to think there was anyone as stupid as the americans.
open mouth, change foot.
i appreciate "spirited exchanges" but lets not get political or religious or anything too offensive. remember what is absolutely right for you might not even make sense to someone else. live and let live.

You may want to look to the left of this and see where I come from and have lived all my least, these last 49 1/6 years, give or take an occasional getaway.

Which location puts me in a pretty good position to observe asinine behavior on the part of my fellow citizens. From Silly Useless Vehicles and gyms with escalators on up..or down, depending on how you look at it. I'd really hate to think that's a universal part of the human condition and what I've seen of the rest of the world tells me it isn't. I don't have any qualms about pointing that out.

As for 'doc'. I've been going by that for 20 years or more. More people know me by that than what's on my driver's license. If you don't like it, gee, sorry about that.

Oh, and take that foot out. I'm sure it tastes terrible.


Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 5:00 am
by Smokin Rock
i have no problem with your alias, i just thought you might have a real name. my bad.
i was talking about your foot and your mouth though on occasion i'll admit mine does taste terrible.
i have noticed where you reside and from what i've read i'm sure you don't have to travel very far to observe asinine bahavior, not very far at all....
how very noble of you to have the courage to point out all those obvious character flaws we americans have but the website is KSUSA (kneeboarding) not "Doc's keen observations on the human condition" though i would certainly defer to your obvious "locality infuenced" expertise on the matter smartly backed up by the world at large.
perhaps just a small judgement error brought on by a mentally fatiguing day outsmarting the longboarders at the local beachbreak.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 9:58 am
by stemple

SUV very sensitive issue. Hey but bring your front wheel drive, low ground clearence Saab ( rear whell drive pickups too) up to Northern Cal and take it up to the mountains. We get 2 to 3 foot overnight snow fall fairly consistently so when its a bluebird powder day and your stuck up your axles in snow and some blonde haired, blue eyed, 110 lb, snowbunny stops in her Hummer and asks if you need to pulled out and you say "no thanks I will just spend the next hour or two digging it out" then we will talk.

Also don't forget that you have to drive over two passes above 7,000 feet with 5,000 foot valleys in between so you will need to put on and take off you tire chains at least twice while you drive 30 mph for 60 miles listening to them bang against your wheel wells until you want to scream!!!. But hey you have two other options either pay some yellow slicker clad person on the side of the highway 20 bucks to put them on and 10 bucks to take off or grovel in the slush your yourself before you go through the Caltrans check points. This usually occurs while your kids keep asking you "when are we going to get there Dad" or your wife rolls the car over your foot while asking her to drive forward as you reach into the slush covered wheel well to pull the chain over the top of the tires.

Just a different perspective. Your personal reality may not be someones elses.

FYI I own a toyota forerunner and a subaru legacy wagon. They both get about the same mileage.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 11:47 am
by Beeline2.0

back to vitamins

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 12:08 pm
by DarcyM
Since I'm an American, can't say as my diet is balanced unless you can count a cheeseburger in one hand and a diet coke in the other.

Don't get fresh vegetables from the bedrock that is my yard ... I have a tomato plant that produced four edible tomatoes this year, so my gardening skills are soley lacking as well. Working on the fruit and avocado trees (already killed one), so maybe there's hope. Ten hour work days aren't as long as some, but I've no desire to spend more time grocery shopping than I have to, so usually I make do with what's in the fridge. Frozen vegetables and the occasional salad, whatever else I might grab or have stored up from the last trip to Costco (which is why I need a truck to haul, among other things, 2000 rolls of TP and 80 cans of chili). Salad, that is, unless it's gone slimy. Everyone knows that the frozen and processed foods lose essential nutrients and vitamins from the processing, but I don't have anyone to shop for me so I get what I can store for long periods of time. It's also helpful if I can just heat it up in the microwave while I'm paying bills, feeding the animals, and sorting trash for the recycler. Hate to cook, so Doc your quite welcome to do the sauteed in olive oil fresh fish and asparagus and home made pasta at my house any time you're free! I'd love to eat better, but sometimes it seems lucky if I eat a regular meal once in a while, instead of just grabbing something in between work and the gym. Yes, I go to the gym, but take the stairs there and at work and avoid the escalator or the elevator. There's an escalator next to one of the gyms I go to, but to be fair it's located in a shopping mall where other people might be carrying packages up and down. Yes, us Americans are well known for favoring convenience over effort, but I think sometimes our culture expects us to do more and more every day. I'm just trying to keep up the best I can!

Dating? Ain't got time for that ... I gotta go surfing in the morning!

In short, I take vitamins to make up for my failures in maintaining a healthy diet. Vitamin C to avoid scurvy and build up immunity, multi vitamins with calcium so that I can hope to avoid osteoporesis, iron supplements to keep from getting deferred for low Hemoglobin when I donate blood every 8 weeks. And as soon as I marry that multi- millionaire to make me a kept woman ( :lol: :lol: :lol: ) I'll give it all up and just soak up the sun and surf and dine al fresco every day until the eroded ozone layer and pesticides turn me into one well preserved prune!

Unless I get hit by a truck in the interim ....

all in fun ... we do what we can.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 12:24 pm
by gsurf
stemple wrote:Mixing cardio workouts is always good. If you like swimming try joining a masters swim group. For a small fee a coach gives you work outs and will work with you on improving your stroke. Using pool toys such as fins (zoomers), pull floats, and paddles will also strength you as well as improve your hand entry into the water. Improving your swimming stroke will likely improve your paddling technique. There is a pretty good masters swim group up at UCSC that meets in the mornings.
Been swimming Masters off and on for years. Only problem with it is matching you schedule to their workout schedules.
I'd highly recommend it to those who are interested in starting swim workouts since, unless you've swam competitively, you probably do need to work on stroke technique. There is a right way and a wrong way to swim (freestyle) of you want to keep your shoulders healthy. Casual swimming usually isn't enough to hurt your shoulders if you have bad form but lap swimming can trash them fast.
Also , I do hypoxia(sp?) training to increase my breathholding ability but you should only do this while someone keeps and eye on you in case you blackout. (hard to do but it happens)

health matters

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 12:59 pm
by Ler
I wish the liqour store had escalators. I would go there even more.

One foot in the grave, One foot on a banana peel.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 1:33 pm
by kneelo_44
I'm with you Ler, we need more grog (liqour) shops. I use a lot of Vitamin B (VB) a local brew. It make me feel really good, but sometimes it makes me sick, mostly of a morning. As for exercise I wax my board and run from the car to the bottle shop. I exercise my ABS by laying on the lounge and by getting up to get a beer as often as possible. If I have a hard ABS session I may help, Sophia out with her fitness, by getting her to get my beers. I like to share but not too much of the VB. There are lots of stupid people out there, they kinda look normal just not Knormal :D .


Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 1:50 pm
by Smokin Rock
i have a friend who lives in the city and drives a suv. he's a longboarder who belongs to a gym with an escalator AND an elevator and he's known to take every vitamin and protein supplement he can get his hands on mostly because he only eats fast food. the more i think about that bastard the madder i become. i think the next time i see him i'm gonna break a branch off my organic apple tree and beat him to death with it!
no more mister nice guy when it comes to people who are'nt exactly like me!

health matters

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 2:00 pm
by Ler
Ah one organic apple so good, it brok' da mout..Da max forea..