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Roto Rooter Sinus Sugery

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 8:11 am
by jim richardson
I'm preparing for sinus surgery. I have suffered with some kind of sinus issue or another for as long as I can remember. "This red tide isn't helping any." I wear ear plugs regularly. I have tried just about every over the counter and prescription medication on the market. Some relief was found with Astelin spray but it is pretty harsh, tastes nasty (post nasal) and after a while stops working. Tylenol severe allergy also gave some relief but again was not the long term answer unless you like feeling slightly lite headed all the time.

My newest Dr.,Dr. Wilner ENT specialist at LB Memorial after researching my long history of sinus and ear related ailments has got me lined up for surgery to repair a double fisher in my sinus and remove all the sand ,seashells, boogers, and crap that has built up in there over the years. In preparation he prescribed a course of steroids, antibiotics and two nasal sprays. I had a CT scan yesterday so he could get a look at what he needs to remove.

I'm sure that more than a few of you have had surgery simular to this.
Did it do the job? Is it worth the hassle? Anybody used Dr.Wilner?
I need relief! :shock:

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:08 am
by Mike Fernandez
Jim, it is one of the best things I have done for myself. You will be greatly relieved. It doesn't completely relieve me from red tide, but it's 100% worth the hassle. If there is a red tide, just take a Clariton D. Do it, it's worth it. I didn't take all the other stuff your talking about, but it was funny watching the doctor pull out a foot long urethane form from each nostril a few days later. Not sure where it all fit. :lol:

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 8:27 pm
by toofast3
I`m having the same problem... I was using some of that over the counter nasel spray , ALOT !! I went to the doctors and she told me to stop using it. She told me that my nose was addicted to it and it wasn`t doing the things it is design for. So I quit using it and went back to not breathing through my nose. Now my wife tells me I make the curtains move when I sleep..... So let me know how it goes..

roto rote sinus sergery

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 7:32 am
by jim richardson
The snoring only happens when I'm stuffed up bad and thank god my wife has
not complained to much about it. She complains about the noises my nose makes while I'm awake. My nose sounds like a party horn when I blow it. :P

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 10:45 am
by ezak
I never really had a sinus problem until this year. I always lean over and try to drain my sinuses when I change after surfing. But now I still must retain a lot of water in them and then I cant breathe from my nose all night. Sometimes this leads to sinus infection (fever sweats, yellow snot, etc...) sometimes just drains later, hopefully not during dinner. Anything less drastic one could do besides surgery? I saw a product called surfdrops nasal spray, anyone tried it, or saline sprays?

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:40 pm
by Mike Fernandez
Ezak, you just have to try the sprays. Question is if the over the counter stuff doesn't work, do you want to go for prescription, and all the hassles? If your problem is minor, sprays might help, if it's major, surgery is the best route to take.

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:54 pm
by joe

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 6:04 pm
by Mike Fernandez
BAAAAAAAAAHahahahahaahhaaaaaaaaaaaa :lol: :lol: :lol: No doubt the morons can do that through their ears also! :twisted:

Sinus woes

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:52 am
by Markem

I had a similar but more involved surgery (significant bone and cartlidge removal) a few years ago and for me it was really good for about a 1.5-2 yrs. then I stoped using the nose spray (ya bad after taste) and I have problems again. You need to do it daily, which I'm not really diligent at. When I go for a week or so straight using the spray all's well. But after two broken noses and not breathing out of my nose for about 18-20 years I guess I'm used to it. For me honestly the surgery was very painful and the recovery kept me out of the water for awhile but I suppose it was worth it.
You will need to use the sprays daily if you really want relief though. Some of the newer ones work well and are non-habit forming.

There is one simple thing you can do take at least a 32 oz. containerfill it with water, 1 drop of bleach (no more), and 1 tablespoon of salt. Take one of those nasal rinse bulds and blow this in each nostril while holding your breath. This has cured several infections for me. You need to hold your breath or you'll be swallowing it.
I have no idea if this is any help but there you have it.

Good luck

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:00 am
by Beeline2.0

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 12:28 pm
by KneeBumps
If you have access to a steam room, give that a shot. I'm hooked on the thing, go in for just 10 min after every swim (3 times a week), and my sinuses drain for about two hours after I come out ( they drain a little after swim with no steam, but only a few minutes). (This part is not popular at home) The combo of swimming in a chlorinated pool and the steam room seems to be keeping my sinuses clean and healthy. I used to worry about picking up infections in steam rooms, might be lucky, but I've been doing it for about ten years now with no problems.
A little saline spray in the winter helps too- when it's so dry here your face cracks ! :)

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 2:31 pm
by ezak
Hey Mike, Bee, Knee,

Thanks for the tips. I'll give them a shot, ..... in moderation :wink:

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:11 pm
by red
There are pressure points that work for my minor stuffed nose issues (nothing like the sinus issues you guys describe, though): ... drugs.html

cheap solution

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:50 pm
by K-man
Get red tide infections real bad,otherwise I have no problem clearing my sinuses.means I stay out of the water.But...Did find a pair of heavy duty noseplugs.Not those itty-bitty swimmer ones,they fall apart.
These have a heavy stainless spring wire ,and a larger elongated nose cover.Really do the job.Found them at big-5.sports,forgot the name.
Anyways,they work,kinda look weird'I get all kinds of grief from friends...but I get get to surf without the misery and discomfort of runny nose,stuffed sinuses,during those red tides

Roto Rooter Sinus Sergery

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:27 am
by jim richardson
I have used a nasal wash system that my doctor set me up with one time, but never tried a tea pot. What the fark are people thinking. That dike in the demo videos head must be empty. The wash system the doc did on me felt like he was tapping directly on my brain. I could not tolerate what that gal is doing to herself. At least not with as placid a look on my face. Nose plugs I have used them but have you ever seen a guy in a crowded line up wearing nose plugs? He is the guy with the ten foot personal space barrier around him or her. I'm way to socially unballanced to go that route or maybe not unballanced enough. :shock: