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Water on the knee-continues! Help!

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:20 pm
Ok, many of you may know that I have been stricken with a condition called "water-on-knee" or "nurse-maids-knee". In any event fluid builds up around the knee as a protection.

The condition has been with me almost a year now. It has really affected my surfing but I have just tried to gut through it. At it's worse, the fluid is so great it puts strain and pain on my knee while any pressure is applied to it. There is also a feeling like you have a wrinkled up piece of your wetsuit between your knee in the board. Very irritating!

Just so you know I have been seeing Dr. Kramer in Newport Beach, CA. He is one of the best sports orthopedic guys around. Working on many athletes from Slater to Chis Ward and others.

As of last week, we drained my knee five times, used various techniques like anti-inflamatories, ice, Flector patches etc. After the last draining, within four hours my knee went back to its' original fluid filled state.

I really don't want to go under the knife but I may have to have the BURR-SACK (spelling) removed. I wonder what that will do long term to my flexibility. We have fluid for a reason.

Anyone else out there had a stubborn case like this?

Any suggestions?

Getting frustrated with the whole thing. :?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:59 pm
by kbk66
did you get an MRI yet?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:05 pm
by greg "swivel"
That sux Mark,and I know you have had some ongoing problemz with that knee,and az you know there are many different and complex mechinizimz that make up the knee and joint, az a whole ,bone,cartlidge,musclez,and tendondz,I dont know if you have had the fore mentioned MRI or any less invasive"orthoscopic surgery" to investigate further, these alternitivez should be considered before going under the knife.Although the technology haz come a long way az far az knee surgery goez....itz still tricky and rehab & recovery can be very lengthy and like you mentioned, flexibility and in some cases,can be reduced,or restricted with the reduction of pain, thus putting limitationz I would emagine on KBing,however az I remember talking to you awhile ago when you first had it drained,you mentioned you were'nt in any real pain or dicomfort might be something discovered though alternitivez, that just haz'nt been uncovered yet,I don't know I'm not a doctor,I just wish you the best and az painlessly and efficaintly az possible and hope to see out in the water soon :!: 8)