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Hot Behind-The-Boat Kneeboarding Video

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 11:47 pm
by Scott

Some crazy tricks here, as well as the ability to absorb incredible crunching impact to the back and knees.

I'd love to see these guys give wave riding on kneeboards a try, or imagine them towing in on outer reef waves somewhere! They're really used to the catching air and bouncing around!!

Course it takes a long, long time to build the wave knowledge in huge waves to know how to surf them right...

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 4:09 pm
by rick carne
Yeah! we do that at the river behind my jetboat most of the summer. its a whole different kinda riding and your right about the impact! once I got such big air and on the impact pinched the nerve in my leg and had drop foot for a month! its a whole different world getting draged rather than freefalling into a turn! imagine dropping into a wave at 30+ mph! thats pretty freakin fast! altho I have riden a " tow kneeboard" in surf what a crazy session that was!... no drive outa the bottom! not to mention the "Hey whata ya doin?!! Rick!! hahaha!........

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:02 pm
rick carne wrote:Yeah! we do that at the river behind my jetboat most of the summer. its a whole different kinda riding and your right about the impact! once I got such big air and on the impact pinched the nerve in my leg and had drop foot for a month! its a whole different world getting draged rather than freefalling into a turn! imagine dropping into a wave at 30+ mph! thats pretty freakin fast! altho I have riden a " tow kneeboard" in surf what a crazy session that was!... no drive outa the bottom! not to mention the "Hey whata ya doin?!! Rick!! hahaha!........

I'm new to the forum.

Anyway, I was kinda thinking about the tow surfing-kneelo style thing. Do you have any footage/pics? I'd love to see that.



Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 1:47 pm
by gumby
My back hurts after watching that.

Was that guys name Skippy?



Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:26 am
by Jack Beresford
I think we ought to pool our money for some type of exchange: we'll send the Simpson brothers to some Florida river for a month and they'll send us a couple river dudes to try their stuff at Aussie Pipe (or some suitable ramp).

Cool stuff.