Mexico or border run stories

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Post by barry »

Bill Lerner and I teamed up with Bob Gove
a couple of weeks ago and did a day trip on a thurs.
had an early surf with randiego in front of Bobs place, then
Randy went to work and we went to breakfast :D while we were
eating in the restaurant Bob yells "check this out" and we looked out the window in time to see a large vehicle go by with about 20 guys hanging off the sides in camo holding machine guns :shock:
after breakfast we ended up going for another surf, we caought a left point by ourselves , chest high and fun :D
then on the way back into rosarito to get lunch and head for home.
a small pick up truck was heading south and it had 6-8 guys in the back all with black with masks over their heads and large machine guns etc.
totaly looked like some type of death squad :!:
we were stoked they were headed the other way :idea:
needless to say Bob cracked a beer and hit the gas...
we were outta there :wink:
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Post by Mike Fernandez »

Matt, I am not familiar with waves in PV, but I hope you get some!

Barry, sounds like the same thing I saw back in the day, except the machine gun/M16 toting Federales didn't have masks on. I assume they are wearing them so the drug lords or enemy doesn't know who they are to avoid family death threats or worse.
Makes for an exciting day though, aye :wink:
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Post by KAVA »

Anyone see the recent news special on the war between the cartel's in TJ? looks like freaking bagdad
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Post by barry »

Kava didnt see the story but heard from Bob over
breakfast how a week or 2 before a group of 'armed men'
went into the police station trying to assassinate the new police chief :shock:
he wasnt in but they ended up shooting up the place and killin all the cops who were there :?: W.T.F.
crazy shizzle going on right now in this world :?
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Post by Mike Fernandez »

That's insane Barry, and so close to home. :(
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Post by El Coyote »

I live in a gated community down here and it's business as usual when I go to and from work in Tecate. What i've noticed is that baja is a ghost town nowadays. A friend of mine was here with his wife a month ago and was complaining about the fact that his beachfront rental homes were empty. Apparently it's a huge source of income for him.

My advice is the same as it's been for people travelling in baja for years. STAY BELOW RADAR! Don't be flashy.
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Post by jim richardson »

Baja is way to dangerous for travel now a days.

You should stay home and hide under the covers..... :twisted: :shock: :roll:
Nothing can penetrate the covers...nothing!!

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Post by El Coyote »

as much as I'd like to agree with Jim, the recent bad press has had a major impact on the local economy. I was talking with Jose at Taco Surf, over one of the best tortas I've ever had, and he told me that he's on the verge of closing down due to lack of business.

What the hell. Mex went from being an uncrowded escape for SoCal surfers, to a place that resembles Medellin,Colombia! My advice is to ignore the media and continue to enjoy the riches that nothern baja has to offer. If not then the BS wins!


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Post by jim richardson »

:twisted: If your inclined to be self sufficient and can get to your Baja destination without driving through the gun play in TJ, then come on down. You have to remember, you are responsible for your own safety and well being in Baja. Knowing the law in Mexico does not help you out when your pulled over by a police impersonator with a gun nor does it protect you from a truck or two full of masked gun men. All I know about mex is that if you stay away from town and the areas of dense population you probably will not have to deal with anybody pointing a gun in your direction or trying to grift you for all the cash in your wallet. Although you can be stopped on the open highway and searched by the military for any reason. I hate to see business suffer especially at Taco Surf mmmmmmm...tortas but the economy in Baja suffers for a lot of reasons other than media hype. The passport requirements alone, are killing them. Half the kids in San Diego county used to walk across the border on a Saturday night to get a peak at a donkey show and now those donkeys are starving because the kids don't have a passport and their parents wont get them one because they have finally realized that junior might be in danger if he crosses the border.
We need to all do our parts to help change the situation in Baja. Here are the suggestions we have heard for years from our own crack smoking government. Dont use drugs. Stop the flow. If there is no demand the problem will go away. Turn in anyone you know that has any dealings with the drug trade. Get rid of the the end user. The problem goes away. I am not saying these are the only solutions.The thing is no one cares enough about what is happening in the drug world to turn over their neighbor, or mom to the cops. Well maybe your teacher. Until we can make choices like these the drug trade will remain an excepted burden on our society and truck loads of masked gunmen will be seen randomly cruising through Mexican towns.

This sh-t between the cops and the drug lords may have a positive effect in the long run. #1 less guys in the line up #2 drop the prices of everything in Baja to where they should be #3 shorter border crossings #4 They might kill each other off and we wont have to worry about getting screwed over, wounded, or killed while we are down there on holiday.

If you see a truck full of gun toting banditos or Feds do as Bob does pop a beer and hit the gas... in the opposite direction.

Don't go to Baja its DANGEROUS!! :shock:
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Post by floyd699 »

Drugs - on the contrary, prohabition has proven that it doesn't work & never will. Mankind all over the globe for millenia has used mind altering substances to alter their subconcious yet it is only since the 1920's or so that they have been outlawed - thanks to the US Govt and their anti black, anti hispanic laws in that era and pot was the first substance on their hit list. Funny how hemp fiber became illegal in that time as soon as it was in opposition to the newly released synthetic fibres like nylon, yet farmers were told to grow it as it was needed during WW2, then oddly enough illegal again at wars end.

Hemp / Hash has been a main stay all thru' the middle east for centuries yet now because the US has a global war on drugs they've made it illegal. Now - the middle east aint America so they have no right to tell any other country on the planet what to do, I'm sure that those in the US wouldn't like it if England, Russia, Slovakia or somewhere told them what to do and how to run their country. How many people in the US are in jail because of minor drug possession? How many of those people after their incarceration turn out to be more aggressive and violent - not because of their drug use but because this is how they have to react to survive their time in jail? Look at Michael Thomson who was on the "Aryan Brotherhood" docco on the box - went in as an accomplice with no major crimes behind him from memory and the time inside turned him into a murderer.

As far as smoking pot will lead to harder drugs is horse sh!t, Holland has proven that. But because of it's illegal status an ounce of herb is more expensive than an ounce of gold, yet it's a naturally plant that God (if one choses to believe in him / her) has placed on this planet. Doesn't making nature illegal sound odd to some? Mind you - if I have to pay top dollar for some dried oregano or can get coke or something harder for the same price or cheaper then no doubt I will look to experiment.

Personally - make all drugs legal, firstly it takes away the criminal element, 2ndly if drugs are cheaper, the users won't be forced into stealing to support their habit, give the users an id card so they can go to select areas to ensure their safety while they take their hit, plus for H users there wont be all of the sh!t cut with the product and there wont be OD concerns due to stronger batches on the streets, nor the Hep / Aids issues of shared needles etc.

I love Bill Hicks' quote that the Government is loosing the war on drugs, which means that the people on drugs are winning!!

Makes you think don't it.
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Post by jim richardson »

This thread is about Baja stories and I apologies for stirring the political pot on drug use. I know this topic can ruffle feathers world wide but, can we get back to the flat tires, broken axles, firing barrels, worm gulping, kangaroo rat tales of trips to Baja.

Here is one to get us back on track.

Years ago on a trip south of the boarder. We were sitting around the fire at night sipping tequila and watching as the tiny kangaroo rats hopped in to the fire light and then would scurry off back in to the darkness and disappear. When my brother says he is going to set a crude little trap with some string, a stick and a beach towel to catch one of the little varments. He proceeds to do so and after about ten tries finally snares one. He then picks up the towel with the little bugger wrapped up in it and sits back down in his chair to unvail his catch to the rest of us. as he peeled back the layers of cloth and just as the mouse is becoming visable to the rest of us. It leaped out of his hands, across the fire and strait up the pant leg of my friends shorts. I have never seen a man move like that before or since. A six foot four inch 220lb. man went from a full beacn chair reclined position into a full sprint, in the blink of an eye. screaming like a school girl he ran off into the dark. All while removing his clothes. It seemed that the little guy had found a nice hiding place in my buddies trunks and was not about to give it up with out a fight. I think my friend used a half a bottle of bactine to cleanup the scratches and claw marks the little sucker left in his crotch and on his...well you get the idea.

A masked gunman is one thing but a kangaroo rat in your pants... now thats scary!

Remember Don't go to Baja its DANGEROUS!! :twisted: :D
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