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Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 4:13 pm
by Jimbo
Thank you all for so much feedback. We are going to stick with the dates - but I think we are going to look at Nicaragua very closely. Keep the advice coming - I know that alot of you guys have traveled all over the place and I appreciate the help.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 4:22 pm
by frencho
If you guys are planning the trip during the summer months my best recomendation is Puerto Escondido and Pascuales. Insane waves and even though people say its gotten expensive I still find it to be dirt cheap compared to other destinations. This places come with the guarantee that if you really want it you can get the barrel of your life. But you have to really want it....


Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:17 am
by nwdude
since this thread is " centro " , i'm going to relate that i just got back from a month in baja ( about 1/2 way down ) - most surfing was done at 2 main spots, and at each spot there was a kneelo - both seasoned veterans of many years experience - one a woman, marilyn - great lady - librarian by trade !

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:01 am
by jadams3
Hey Jimbo......just got back in town and got a PM from Jimputz re: surf trip......

As Bob (SFKneelo) has said, we have been to Costa Azul a few times together.....during one trip, 12 longboarders from Santa Cruz showed up.....instant crowd wherever they went..... :evil: pretty sick towards the end of the trip from surfing Aticama......dirty water and hotter-n-Hades.....our driver drank all our water and ate almost all our tip now Juan.......the break south of Costa Azul below Echeverria's ruined mansion is a fickle left but can get good .....we renamed it "Stinky's" when the sandbar which was holding back 10,000,000 gallons of accumulated sewage from the town's estuary broke thru.......I wouldn't go out in the chocolate-colored swill but you can't keep Schiffy off anything remotely rideable.....miracle he didn't get sick...On another occasion we got chased back into the surf by brahma bulls guarding their herd of cows grazing the jungle at the water's edge....they stomped their feet and started to charge and we scrambled to get off the comedy show....I have been there several times since Bob and I went last and they were starting to develope and sell off some pricey beach houses.....Not sure if it's still the small quaint surf resort it once was.....but the area is loaded with spots if you want to travel a bit each day.....lots of good memories from those trips and some decent surf as well...... 8)

surf trip

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:40 am
by Jimputz
Azul sounds pretty interesting to say the least. :shock:
I think Jimbo and I are going to try and set something up for Dale Daggars camp in Nicaragua this summer.
A bunch of kneelos went there at the beginning of last summer and had a phenomenal time!
Sounds like it'll be a whole bunch of fun !!

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 10:47 am
by jadams3
Yeah....I'm sure you'll all have a Blast....pun intended.......My wife, Michelle, and I always go to Hawaii in September.....I've got her surfing now and we've never gotten skunked in Hawaii in the Fall.......South shore or North Shore......not epic but very good......The site had some good info and you're destined to have some adventures......go get 'em....... 8)

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 2:35 pm
by Landlocked
Is this trip boiling down to Dale Daggars camp in Nicaragua for early September? Are Texans welcome?

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:36 pm
by Jimbo
LL - Sorry not to reply - I did not see the question. There are still spots and unless the Rose Bowl was the high point of your year.....and yes it is to Dale's place

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 6:38 pm
by Jimputz
I've got the second week in September booked. :D The lodge holds eight people. So far we've got five commitments. First come first served.
PM either me or Jimbo if anyone's interested in filling the spots.
This is Dale Daggars Hidden Bay Surf Lodge.
All inclusive Saturday to Saturday.