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Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:14 am
by rippe75
Angie, sent you a PM

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:32 am
by Angie
Hey thanks a bunch rippe75, which of those places would be the least crowded? iv seen steenos vid clip, admittedly im not the keenest on lefts as iv hardly ridden left as i live in right hand break country, but i do do need to work on going left so open to it.

boat trips arnt bad, ive stayed on smallish ones alongside oilrigs in some swell for 5 weeks... jus its alot more pricey, im paying for my other half to come with.

im thinking its either gonna be may-april or august sept time, want to be home for winter, why travel when its cooking on ur front lawn...

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:04 pm
by Terence H
Angie in May April it is going to be going off in your area.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:19 am
by Angie
ye i know, but i need my consecutive days out the country, and giving myself a holiday over my birthday seems worth missing out on a handful of days if this passed winter was anything to go by.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:23 am
by Tinso
Went there in April 2010...2 weeks on the Haundu Fhali(?)

Surf Travel Co is the way to go. Let them know EXACTLY what you want, and they'll get you there!

The south on a boat is the go for a pure surf experience (Pirates is nice and sucky!), but north for resorts (and breaks like Cokes, Chickens, Pata Point, Sultans etc). I did 5-6 days south, and the same to the north after that. The only crowds we got were at Sultans (full of lower ability idiots, so we got waves anyway!) and Jailbreaks. The left around from Sultans (can't think of the name just now) is insane, and gets bigger as it wraps around the reef. Surfed it twice totally uncrowded because the wind wasn't 'perfect' for it. Got barrelled off my nut with two mates...

For a resort that the chicky babe and you might agree on, go to Pasta point. The resort owns it, and you can only surf it if you stay there. Hope you like lefts!
March/April in the south if you want a boat trip with a few mates!

Say G'day to Stumpy for me if you see him on the boat!

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:27 am
by Anthony B
That left woud be Honkeys Tinso :wink:

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:19 am
by Angie
My Maldives trip has been put on hold for now :( have to attend a course for work: Nace Cip1 (paint inspection) costs a frikken fortune! with travel and accom its gon set me back 3-4k USD!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:21 pm
by Tinso
Yep, it would be Honkey's...great fun!

My trip was $4200 all said and done, plus a $400 bar bill on the boat (with a tip for the crew - they get paid SFA) for 12 nights on the boat incld. airfares. Get saving, it's worth it!