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sunshine coast windansea kneeboarders

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:37 am
by wanderer
windansea kneeboarders are having an informal surf gathering
old boards, beers & BBQ
to celebrate :lol:
steve thomas & his long time partner margrets wedding
on sunday 30/04/06 at Ann st Caloundra 7:30 AM
all kneeboarders & familys welcome
dust off the old faithful boards bring some xxxx beer & snags
see you there

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:27 pm
by Shelfbreak
Sounds good Scott

Steve and Margaret have been generous hosts to several good kneelo get togethers and I extend my best wishes to both of them.

Has been some nice surf up here the last few days.

anzac day

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:08 pm
by wanderer
the sunshine coast & australia has been remembering the fallen in past & present wars today with dawn services and then following that we have been celebrating how fortunate we are in living in this fantastic country by enjoying a 4-6' surf that has been present for the last week followed by spending time with our mates & families having BBQ's and Beer
best wishes to all & remember how lucky we are!

remember the gathering on sunday to celibrate meats wedding

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:42 pm
by lowrider
Congratulations & best wishes to Steve & Margaret.
Sorry, I can't be there; hope you all have a great day. :D

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 4:07 am
by Riq dekneelo
HI wanderer, I'll bring some snags and coopers, congrats to Meat & Marg, oh I'll bring the only board I've got till next weekend....
well I did have this one shaped in 97, so I'm aboout due a new one
cheers Riq

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 3:54 pm
Thanks to all who have extended their best wishes to Margaret and I on our marriage on Sat 22 April.The beach wedding went brilliantly in fact we could not have wished for better.
Special thanks to Scott (The Wanderer) Berry for organinising a gathering this past Sunday.Unfortunately the surf was poor so we decided to have yuppy breaky at Currumundi Beach cafe which was excellant. We must also thank Riq dekneelo for presenting us with one of "Riq's Beach" art prints...tah muchly, Riq...much appreciated.

Now to news: We have the monthly Windansea Boardriders club meeting this Wednesday night 3/5/06 at 6:30pm at Caloundra Sailing Club Boatshed,bring some dosh for "refreshments" if your into god's nector....yummy!
The monthly pointscore contest is on this coming Sunday 7/5/06, meet at Anne St reef break carpark at 6:30 am.Bring some dosh for "refreshments" ooooooooooh yummy!

It looks as though there will be a healthy contingent of Sunshine Coast kbers heading for the Coffs Contest in June (all going well).

Lastly, my appologies for being slack in not posting too much in the last couple of months we've had a range of computer prob's and a huge job change.Hopefully things are back on track.

Again thanks for all the well wishes for Margaret and I.
Catcya's soon,
Hoo Roo,

Any enquiries contact Steve (Meat) Thomas (07)5493 6281 or (m)0415610238.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 8:57 pm
Hi all,
There is a gathering being planned for this coming Sunday 21/5/06.Meet at Perigian Beach Surf Club carpark at 7:30 am. This gives us the opportunity to surf and socialise with some of our kbers Northside of the Sunshine Coast. Lowrider informs me that Marcus Beach has a few good banks. So here's hoping conditions hold out and we get some good waves northside. Bring some snags or alike as we should be able to have a bbq somewhere along the line (weather and time permitting).The northside guys will know one or two good spots for bbq's...I'm sure. All Sunshine Coast kbers are more than welcome to meet up with us for the day.Here's looking forward to Sunday.
For any enquiries ring Steve (Meat) Thomas on (h) 07 5493 6281 or (m) 0415610238.Note: Due to my night shift work I'm only contactable from Fridays (8am) thru to to Mondays (3pm).
Regards and Hoo Roo,

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 9:03 pm
by splashy
Night shift work?

How much you charge, big boy? :lol: :shock:

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:03 am
by wanderer
he's not called "meat" because he leads the quiet life :lol:
a north side surf sounds good see you there

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 3:27 am
by Riq dekneelo
She'll be right mate, surf or BBQ, should have new fish by then, show and tell. Might even have wax on it, maybe not the shaper said I should let it cure a bit.... how long . dunno, see you on Sunday.
Splashy, have you got that old bastard at Diggers video digitised yet :?: :roll:
cheers Riq

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 3:07 pm
by lowrider
Hi all,

As part of the day's activities, we were hoping to organise a bus trip to visit "Gary's House of Kneeboards" .... well, it's a double garage actually 8) ; crammed with kneeboards of all vintages and types, including 3 spoons :!:

Unfortunately, Gary has gotten wind of this and left town for the weekend.
Perhaps we can organise this for another time if enough interest?

Oh, and pray to Huey for waves!


Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 4:15 pm
Hello World,
Be nice. Udderwize me an da boyz are gunna have to come round an sortya out. Are we going to see you on Sunday??? :lol:
Yep, it's huuuuuuuge.......not! :lol:
Looking forward to catching up up with you and all the Northsiders and hopefully to see the long awaited newy.No doubt the newy will fly.
We all would certainly be interested, big time, in seeing Gary's collection.
Next time we'll organise for a Saturday gathering, with a bit more notice. To give everyone a chance to make it and for Gary to phsych up to having a bunch of bent,smelly, crusty kneeboard maniacs over for tea and to speak. We'll definately organise that one.
Huey had better be kind...otherwise we'll have to human sacrifice Splashy to appease the gods. :twisted: :P :lol:
Anyway gotta go.
I'll see all you sicko's on Sunday 21/5 at 7:30 am Perigian Beach carpark. Looking forward to it, eh!
Hoo roo,
Meat. :D :D :D :)

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 12:01 am
by lowrider
Swellnet prediction for Sat / Sunday:

OK small surf early Sat with light winds ahead of a sea breeze. Very small to tiny surf on Sun with early offshore winds.

:? :? :roll:

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 3:34 am
by splashy
Sorry guys

I'll me on North Stradbroke Island on Sunday morning - I'll let you know if the waves are any good :twisted:

hee hee

If there is anywhere in this part of the world that is likely to have swell, it will be Main beach on North Straddie :D

Riq, yeah sure. I've started the process - well.... connected the VCR to the PC anyway... I'll get into it later next week hopefully and then do some editing.... 8)

Happy trails guys - hope the swell bumps for Sunday morning....

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:06 pm
by splashy
Got some nice 3 foot peaky, bowling waves at Main Beach on Saturday once the tide turned and started coming in. A bit of a cross-shore wind, but really clean inside the bowl. There were some really nice horeshores where you could back-door the main peak and had to turn and follow it around to make 'em.
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!! :o :shock: :D 8)
Sunday was mega-blown out onshore slop - didn't even get wet. :evil:
How was the gathering?