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Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:39 am
by jdc
met a vicco west coast twin fin strapper square tail surfer at bells on sunday (had to go there cos of wind and swell)

asked if the young fella he was talking to couldnt be talked into being a kneelo, kid about 12 who i thought was his son.

turned out to be his mates son!

however, reply to my mildly tongue in cheek question was...

"...hes is a good young surfer, it would be a waste if he was a kneeboarder"


mate! you seen a good kneeboarder :idea:

strapper surfers "in general" do live in a small kneelo world :roll:

on quizzing him about twins he mentioned hed had a thruster once but coulnt get it to come around

i happily carved a big cutback of the lip followed by a bottom turn back onto the wall on my thruster to make a point

he seemed like a fair surfer but F*#@ ME, this breed of off the tail twinners from torquay really need to get out more.

appreciation of kneelo surfing and tube scores when stand ups cant get inside is low...without too much bias airs and funny twist are best left to accrobats compared to tight wave/wall contact surfing