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Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:17 am
by danny shilling
Cant find it in Kalbarri newsagency doh!! Im sure I can source it online though,I strongly advise the good captn to put a collection of his rants together and some pics chuck it in a mag so I can clean the BBQ when Ive finnished.


Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:10 am
by budgie
The latest offering from the LEGless promo machine via Korduroy is an unbelievably good quality promotion of kneeboarding.

THANKYOU for portraying kneeboarding so positively and pushing the journalist barriers with your very good spin doctor skills.

To get any media for kneeboarders is OOPS was nearly impossible.

Cover shots on mainstream mags owned by media moguls who look only at accountants stats and marketing surveys.

Kneeboarding doesnt sell or are we the surge against the machine of mainstream surfing.


Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:09 pm
by Mike Fernandez
Yes, well done guys. I received a copy in my swag, going to read it in between editing videos. :wink:

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:10 pm
by scotcase
KenM wrote:"The most widespread fallacy regarding the evolution of the modern surfer is the persistent belief in Lamarckian inheritance. As you will undoubtedly recall from middle school biology, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de la Marck, was a French scientist who believed that all living creatures continuously adapted to their environments through the use and/or disuse of certain body parts.....................................Barnes offers a speciation theory to explain the outstanding performance of the legless population................... Allometry is a term that describes the relationship between the size of an organism and the size of it's constituent parts, in this case, rider and board." Lamarkian inheritance? Speciaton theory? Allometry? What the fu..?
And all this time I thought kneeboarding was the result of spongers crawling to there knees to snake stand ups. Can't wait to see 50 rental kneeboards
at my break after our 15 minutes of fame.

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:27 am
by KneeBumps
Just got my copy (by Pony Express, I guess). Beautiful cover bent in half as usual. Agreed that this was one strange article, more suited for Jeff Spicoli's high school biology class. :?

Re: bfd

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:33 am
by randiego
CaptKneemo wrote:if you dont have anything good to say, dont say anything that might make people cry. shhhhhh! :cry:

Tim, the only one crying around here is you. Of course, the fact that it's Albert on the cover has gotta hurt a little, yeah? :wink: :(

For everyone else - 99% of this community is stoked about this, without reservation. If you're unable to share in that, I suggest you start a thread called "My unfavorable opinion about X" and do your whinging in there. :P

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:58 pm
by Smokin Rock
Hey Capt.,
Is'nt seeking validation and recognition (by posting here) from the same "herd" you speak of.... kind of the same thing as trying to be in the herd? I mean if you did'nt really care what that herd thought why constantly try to infiltrate the paddock?
Kind of like a sheep in a wolf suit :idea:
Would'nt it be easier to just play nice and join the herd?
You're giving us real wolves a baaaaad name :lol:

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:11 pm
by norm
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the kneeboarding article and seeing the pics in SJ. Steeno and the crew who made the effort to give a view of KB evolution and some of the essence of why we kneeboard is outstanding. I could relate to much of the article because I kneeboard, but I believe other surfers reading the ariticle could also relate, and recognize that kneeboard design and riding styles have influence mainstream surfing. I'd like to have a beer with the persons who had a hand in making this possible, and share a session.....



Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:56 pm
by RMcKnee
Cappy wrote:ps its spelled whining! (thats been buggin me for days)
Actually, Randy's using an old Australianism here.

Whinge: a verb, meaning to complain persistently in a peevish or irritating way, also used as a noun meaning the act of complaining in such manner.

Hence: whinger (n: one who whinges), whingeing (adj). We don't use the verb "to whine" much here.

Of course Randy's opinion, one of many to be found on this site, is his own, no matter how many may share it.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:18 am
by yogisurf
I went to 5 stores that sold mags on Saturday, could not find it on the shelf. Only 1 store had Surfer. No surf shops in my neighborhood. So I ordered directly from the Journal, about $21 delivered to my door.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:39 pm
by Shelfbreak
Copies arrived yesterday. Well done Steen et al.
I quite like the way Mr Endo approaches his subject.

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:33 am
by snap
surfers journal

seanscottphotography in Burleigh Headshas copies ofkneeboarding