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Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:22 pm
by Malaga


Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:20 pm
by skansand
thats pretty cool...gotta try it here on the bruticus maximus flowrider in san diego....get barreled

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:44 pm
by ocean7847
skansand - have you ridden that flowrider? i busted up my left shoulder pretty good at the end of Dec, that was standup though. its definately not like any surfing or kneeboarding or bodyboarding or bodysurfing experience i've ever had.

BTW, i'm not the only one ducking my head and contorting my body to fit in those tubes, am i?


Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:46 pm
by skansand i havnt rode it yet but i have ridden standing waves and i have seen bruticus maximus up looks way intense and i dont expect it to be like dug-out aliso creek but id totally try to kneeboard on a flowrider about your shoulder....was it sick though??????Bet you had fun...

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:47 pm
by DrStrange
Something about these "wave" pools always makes me think of those old ski stories about the guy who passed out drunk in the snow bank and then the plow comes by and blows pink snow... What is in those big ol' pumps anyway? Turbines I hope... :lol: :twisted:

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:46 pm
by ocean7847
when its cranked up full its very intense - they start you off slow and smaller to weed out people who aren't up to it or don't want to do it. we bodyboarded it a few times, then a little drop knee, the we went to stand up. its hard to explain, but you have to be leaning on your back foot the whole time even if you feel like you're about to be sucked up and over.

i won the company award for best wipeout (it helps i'm 6'4" and lanky as hell - my limbs must've been flopping around everywhere). i stalled back into the pit, faceplanted before i made it under the lip, went up and over, and got dropped back in front of the wave - SPLAT, then back up though i held position in the face while i sort of bodysurfed it, then got sucked up for a secondtime and finally pulled back into the pit and SMOKED against the bottom. then, because there is a mini eddy in the pit, i was stuck underwater in the pit getting re-rolled until they turned the water down a bit and it spit me out.

you should give it a go if you have a chance. you can't bring your own boards though. no fins on boards either - there is like 4-5 inches of water between you and the plastic covered concrete below you, skegs would snap off.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 6:37 pm
by boards_and_fins
A group of bodysurfers (myself included) rented that thing last summer. Some of them were very good. Me? I was sucked through the thing about 50 times. I have pictures of myself vertical n the tube, that thing is gnarly. BTW, 1st post, cool site. Thaks for the tip Ocean.