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new fins for board?

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:44 am
by gimmee water
Question to All of you out there I am thinking of upgrading the fins on my new board and don't really know what to look for? The board came with basic future fins for a qaud set up. I may be just iching to throw some money away as I am just starting to get the hang of kneeboarding and sorting out the board . Any advise to calm the voices in my head would help Thanks P.S. I am a newby / old / small wave / nothin fancy / rider.

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:03 pm
by norm
Bud has some really good quad fins.... BC Fins. Try this site to get some information.

As far as futures quads, check out some of the forums on fins to get some ideas.

2nd choice are the F4 quad fins or EA quads

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:23 pm
by sarj
If a board floats you and feels good under you, the best thing you can do is experiment a little with the fins... cheapest and best knowledge you can get first hand.

Over the years they used to be glass-on & it took a little more doing to try different setups, but fin placement is even more important than templates on fins (they're actually both important together). I got some good experience over the years on fin placement by having to knock off a loose one & took the opportunity to reposition on the same board & look for differences glassing them back on. I used to be worried about fin boxes blowing out from too much torque on turns, so it was a long while before I tried them. They're a lot better now, & Tom B has made 5 or 6 sets of quad fins using my templates, of which I'm extremely grateful since nothing out there came close to working for me. Lot more choices out there now too.

Best thing you can do is ride a board, and then make changes with fin placement & templates when the chances come up. You compare apples to apples that way. It helps refine what works for your style of surfing.

For someone older & starting out, the only other thing I highly recommend is not to wear neon ... not trunks, not wetsuits...ever.

jetty rules.

future fins

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:31 pm
by Josh Peters
Changing up fins is a lot of fun. EA with the vector foil and the f4 are great basic fins. Does the board have a fin forward placement? I feel that with fin forward you can go big like the Pancho Sullivan or the Controller or seaworthy. If the fins are in the basic rear placement stay with the medium size so the board won't feel to stiff. I didn't mention lift and drive I put a set of Elevon fin on a board that i was not real happy with. The Elevon fins worked great it was like a hole new board. Let me know if you would like to try some different fins.